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Цель занятия: повторение лексических единиц: a potato, a carrot, a tomato, vegetables, рифмовки: “potato, tomato”, повторение темы “Autumn”; представление стихотворения “What this said?”; представление новых лексических единиц: a sparrow, a lark, :What time is it?”. Материал: муляжи овощей, часы, рисунки животных, маски животных. 1. Организационный вопрос; 2. What the weather like today? Is it cold today? Is it sunny today? Is it rainy today? Is it light or dark now? Is it night or day? The days are shorter, the nights are longer. What time is it? Звучит магнитофонная запись голосов животных. 3. What they said? На фланелеграфе расставляются животные. It is for o’clock - Said the cock It is still dark - Said the lark What‘s that - Said the cat -I want to sleep - Said the sheep -It‘s bat habit - Said the rabbit -Of course, said the house - Said the sparrow -In the house - Said the mouse -I’m to big - Said the pig But the dog said bow-wow It’s too late now. How many animals do you see? Seven How many birds do you see? Three Let’s cound. 4. Let’s play the game. Where are you houses? В разных местах помещения развешиваются картинки с изображением леса, реки, дома, дерева. Дети надевают маски животных и птиц, ищут свои домики. One, two, three In the forest In the river In the house In the tree What animals do I see? Do you live in the river? Ребёнок: yes, I do. I’m a fish. I live in the river. 5. Игра: What is missing? На закрепление новых лексических единиц. A sparrow, a lark. 6. What animals is it? Загадка I live in the tree. I cannot fly. I can climb. I am not big. I am brown. I like bananas and nuts. (a monkey) What monkey does like to eat? Do you eat vegetables? 7. Let’s reaped rhyme A potato, a tomato, a carrot, a beet. All of them are vegetables. That like to eat. |
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